Benefits of Turmeric and Tamarinds Herb For Our Bodies

Various-information, hello, friend, various information, how are you ... This time will discuss about the benefits of drinking herbal turmeric tarmarinds.

Who does not know what is called sour turmeric? Surely almost everyone already knows it. What's more, turmeric and tamarinds are the usual ingredients that are always available in the kitchen. Before discussing about the benefits of sour turmeric herbs, it would be better for us to know about turmeric and tamarinds clearly. Quoted from turmeric is one of the types of spice plants and native medicines from the southeast Asian region. This plant then experienced spread to various countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and even Africa. Almost every Indonesian and Indian and Asian peoples in general once consumed this spice plant, both as a complement to spices, herbs or to maintain health and beauty.

Following is a list of existing nutrients in turmeric : 

Amount per 100 g. 
Calories: 354 kcal
Amount of fat: 10 g 
• Saturated fat: 3.1 g 
• Non-double saturated fat: 2.2 g 
• Monounsaturated fats: 1.7 g 
• Cholesterol: 0 mg 
• Sodium: 38 mg 
• Potassium: 2,525 mg
Amount of carbohydrates: 65 g 
• Vitamin A: 0 IU 
• Calcium: 183 mg 
• Vitamin D: 0 IU 
• Vitamin B12: 0 ug 
• Vitamin C: 2.59 mg 
• Iron: 41.4 mg 
• Vitamin B6: 1.8 mg 
• Magnesium: 193 mg

While Tamarinds is a kind of sour fruit that tastes great. Usually used as a mixture of cooking ingredients as a flavor or an increase in sour taste in food. Tamarinds is also used for a mixture of traditional herbal medicine. Which is sold by vendors of mobile herbs.

The following is a list of nutrients in acids: 
Amount per 100 g

Energy: 1117 kj 
• Calories: 267 kcal 
Protein: 2.8 g 
Fat: 0.6 g 
• Saturated fat: 0.272 g 
• Polyunsaturated fats: 0.059 g 
• Monounsaturated fats: 0.181 g 
• Cholesterol: 0 mg 
Carbohydrates: 62.5 g 
• Fiber: 5.1 g 
• Sugar: 57.4 g 
• Sodium: 28 mg 
• Potassium: 628 mg

After we find out about Turmeric and Tamarinds nutrition, we will become more aware of the benefits of herbal turmeric and tamarinds.

Here is the list of benefits of medicinal turmeric acid:

√√ Preventing and Treating Inflammation 
√√ Eliminating body odor 
√√ Prevent Diabetes 
√√ Maintain Eye Health 
√√ Cleanse the Body From Toxins 
√√ Helps Diet Program 
√√ Burns medicine 
√√ Launch Menstruation 

√√ Good for skin beauty 
√√ Launching a copy 
√√ Prevent And Relieve Stomach Disorders √√ Add Blood √√ Launch Asi Production 
√√ Overcoming itching 
√√ Prevent senility 
√√ Leucorrhoea medicine 
√√ As an Anti Oxidant 
√√ Overcoming infections 
√√ Make Skin Brighter 
√√ Control Blood Sugar Ambat Inhibiting Alzheimer's disease 
√√ As Anti Aging

Thus the discussion about the benefits of Herbal Turmeric and Tamarinds.
hopefully the information provided can be useful. 

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