Success Story The Only Richest Female Blogger in the World

Various-information If you have a passion in the world of writing, becoming a blogger is the right choice.

Who would have thought this job could actually make you rich. Like Gina Trapani, this woman who works as a blogger now holds the title of the richest blogger in the worldGina is the only female blogger from the 10 most successful bloggers in the world who is also the CEO and blog founder named Lifehacker.
This blog is very popular. Now, he is also part of the Gizmodo and Gawker Blog Empire, two social media that are currently growing rapidly.

Lifehacker is a simple blog. The focus of this blog is about everyday business. It's just that interesting reviews and simple ways that can be done by visitors about various matters of daily affairs make this blog very interesting.
Visitors are also given a place to write so they don't just read, but can write. At present, Gina's income from her blog reaches US $ 110 thousand or around Rp1.4 billion.This number is not a small amount. The source of his income came from independent reviews and advertisements. Of course, you can also emulate success by working hard and struggling with your own blog. Try to create quality content or blog content. It will automatically make visitors more and more and provide a great opportunity for you to get more money.

Lifehacker Short History

As reported by, the blog named Lifehacker was created in 2006. He still manages the blog to this day. He is also the CEO. The woman born in New York, United States (US) has become a successful woman with intelligence, intelligence, and creativity in writing. Writing and loving creativity can be a source of inspiration and income when packaged attractively so that many people are interested.From the name alone, Lifehacker comes from the word "Life" which means everyday life and "Hack" which means breaking into or hacking. So, it can be described as breaking problems in everyday life in a way that is easier for you to do. Therefore, the content of this blog is indeed very useful for many visitors. Gina makes very quality tips and tutorials for all visitors. This good and quality content makes this blog popular. Furthermore, Gina not only managed the Lifehacker site, but also began writing books that talked about success and Lifehacker itself. Gina also said that the success of Lifehacker was inseparable from the influence of social media.

This is because Gina Trapani is very active in cyberspace or social media. Apart from that, of course what Lifehacker gives that is useful and helps many people is what gives the site high traffic. From here, you can judge that making something useful for many people besides being fun will also give satisfaction. In addition, of course visitors will increase. The number of visitors means the opportunity to get more money. That's what Gina did to make a lot of people feel helped by the tutorials or tips they gave.Gina can you imitate to achieve success with a blog. You can also start your success and have an easy investment by becoming a blogger. Create a blog that contains interesting content or content and helps many people. When many people need it, more visitors will come. Your creativity will really be tested, so that everyone will feel interested in what you do. This is the importance of creating content that is beneficial to many people. The more people who feel helped, the more popular the blog will be.

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